School Business Professional Level 4

School Business Professionals (SBPs) perform a role which is unique to schools, administering and managing the financial, site and support services within the school context. They provide essential support to school leadership teams, implementing their financial and business decisions. 


Total Duration
19 Months

EPA Organisation

Assessment Method
Simulated Task, Project Report and Presentation with Q&A


Find out more and read FAQs about the Apprenticeship process here.

SBPs may work in any school phase (primary, secondary, special) and in different school structures: single academy trusts, multi academy trusts (MATs), local authority maintained schools and federations, etc.

Core skills to be developed include

  • School procurement regulations and requirements and how to achieve value for money.
  • How DfE, Ofsted , regulations, codes of practice and legislation influence and impact the school.
  • Practical knowledge of the supporting documentation governors need in order to carry out their role effectively.
  • Understanding the range of educational funding streams available which apply to their educational setting.
  • Working knowledge of accounting practices and understands how to apply business principles to the optimum use of funding to support learning outcomes.
  • Understand marketing activities to promote their school and how marketing can be used to underpin school finding.
Why choose Inspire ATA?

We work with high-quality training providers to deliver a wide range of training programmes through a blended learning approach that is tailored to each learner's needs.  Inspire ATA recruits and employs each apprentice on behalf of the "host" client, enabling us to offer additional support and a better experience for both apprentice and client.

We can also offer flexi-job apprenticeships which means we are able to offer short term contracts and other non-standard employment models.

  • Knows school procurement regulations and requirements and how to achieve value for money, including collaborative procurement and has an awareness of the complexities of procurement law.
  • Understands the complexities of teaching and support staff contracts, terms & conditions of employment and payroll. Understands educational HR policies, safer recruitment, and compliance with safeguarding priorities and equality legislation. Has an awareness of when to seek legal advice.
  • Knows the supporting documentation governors need. Understands the process of risk management and procures and manages insurance cover for the school to mitigate risks as appropriate. Has knowledge of compliance with charitable status, education law and safeguarding policy in a school environment.
  • Understands how marketing can be used to underpin school funding, the marketing priorities of their school and the impact marketing activities can have. Understands marketing activities to promote their school and takes into account e-safety when doing so.


  • Manages strategies set by senior personnel and drafts budgets that reflect them. Manages the accurate recording and reporting of the school’s finances to inform the senior leadership team who set the priorities for school spending. Completes pre-audit checks.
  • Plans, organises and manages processes to ensure value for money for the school whilst supporting education delivery, e.g. contract management, payroll, building maintenance and small development projects.
  • Uses multiple IT packages and specialised schools MIS (management information systems) platforms. Prepares and collates reporting data. Communicates appropriately and effectively with a range of stakeholders including students, parents, governors/trustees, staff, government and local government departments, e.g. DfE/ ESFA, to gain positive outcomes.
  • Has the confidence to question or seek clarification of aspects of school practice when unsure or unclear.



  • Keeps up to date with educational policies and embraces change. Self- motivated and supportive of others in working through change.
  • Open, approachable and is able to build trust with others. Consults and seeks the views of others and values diversity.
  • Behaves in a collaborative way with other internal and external stakeholders.


Apprenticeships are available in the following locations

A number of our apprenticeship programmes are offered in multiple locations within the same area. Click on each location to find out more and apply.

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