School Staff & Community Wellbeing Champion Level 3

The School Staff & Community Wellbeing Champion Apprenticeship offers staff within an educational setting the opportunity to learn skills around coaching and counselling in order to help support colleagues and students. As part of the new Education Inspection Framework, Ofsted is now shining a spotlight on staff wellbeing. 


Total Duration
16 Months

Community Health & Wellbeing Worker Level 3

Training Method
Multiple-choice test, Demonstration of practice, Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence


Find out more and read FAQs about the Apprenticeship process here.

This course is ideal for anyone looking to improve their skills in providing support and feedback through the effective use of coaching and counselling to support all staff, students, their families and the local community. Host a wellbeing apprentice to demonstrate that you take staff wellbeing seriously, opening a supportive network for staff to address wellbeing and mental health needs. By being on this programme, your apprentice will be able to create a wellbeing strategy leading to a wellbeing focused culture within your workforce. This recognised qualification is suitable people with a passion for wellbeing and the identified entry requirements. The DFE is encouraging schools and colleges to sign up to the Education Wellbeing Charter by the end of 2023.

The curriculum and learning of this programme focuses on the development of the professional knowledge, skills and behaviours required to be a School Staff & Community Wellbeing Champion.

Topic Covered:

  • Overview of key family issues and medical conditions
  • Techniques and strategies to reduce health and wellbeing issues
  • Supporting and creating your wellbeing and mental health networks within your communities
  • Tools to help measure and monitor staff wellbeing and key issues within your local area
  • Managing referrals to external agencies
  • Resilience and managing stress across your organisation
  • Promoting inclusion and being socially inclusive
  • Dealing with trauma
  • Understanding autism, bullying, ADHD, alternative, provision, equality, diversity, online safety, mental health, LGBTQ+ and 20+ more areas.
  • Effective communication and creating partnerships with parents.

““The mental health and wellbeing of staff in education settings has always been important, but it is now more important than ever in the context of the pandemic and moving towards recovery.”

  • The wider social determinants of health and their impact on the physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing of individuals, families, and communities.
  • The causes of mental, emotional, and physical ill-health, long-term conditions, disability and premature death in the local community, their risk factors, and the opportunities for prevention and management.
  • The negative and positive impact that different agencies can have on improving health and wellbeing.
  • How psychological, behavioural and cultural factors contribute to the physical and mental health of people, and how these can impact on others.
  • Health inequalities and how these impact on physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing.
  • The most up-to-date evidence base informing the creation of inclusive community development approaches that improve the health and wellbeing of communities.
  • The importance of building partnerships and connections with individuals, groups, and communities.
  • National guidance on the engagement and management of volunteers and how their rights and welfare are protected.
  • Recognise, and help others to also recognise, the factors that impact on a person’s health and wellbeing that they can or cannot control or influence.
  • Assist individuals, groups and communities to recognise their needs, what is important to them, and their strengths in relation to their health and wellbeing.
  • Help people, groups and communities to identify and address barriers that can be overcome to achieve better health and wellbeing.
  • Work with people and communities to identify and access local resources and assets that support their health and wellbeing.
  • Work with people and communities so that they continue to make changes and solve problems on their own.
  • Build partnerships and connections with local people, groups and organisations to reach shared solutions to local needs or issues.
  • Work with, support or supervise people working as volunteers whilst recognising the boundaries of their roles.
  • Recognise whether non-statutory community and voluntary groups and services are safe and sustainable to support people’s health and wellbeing needs, and escalate any concerns.
  • Acts with honesty and integrity.
  • Respectful of others.
  • Non-judgemental regarding others' circumstances or decisions.
  • Shows compassion and empathy.
  • Takes responsibility for own actions.
  • Seeks to collaborate (with individuals, communities, and organisations) across sectoral, organisational, and cultural boundaries.

Apprenticeships are available in the following locations

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